Friday, July 02, 2010
Movie World: Eclipse

Of course, I can never let the first day of Eclipse slip without me seeing it. I watched with Bes and Jojo, we practically lined up for 30 minutes just to get tickets and sat on the stairs all throughout the movie, I dunno if its just sitting-on-the-floor thing that made me think that the movie was not that great. Well, I'll be watching it again tonight with my college friends, so I can finally have my verdict.

As planned, we arrived at Gateway Mall, a little past 7PM and driving there was a total nightmare, with me not that familiar with the roads and the parking area seems like Diagon Alley in the Harry Potter movie... My friend T has been lining up trying to get tickets for over 2 hours when we arrived, lucky us there is a dedicated lane for Citibank card holders for their movie promo, and we were able to get our tickets in 5 minutes - no sweat! We had dinner at Cibo for my post-birthday celebration before going to the movie. Our dear friend R called us and we're so happy to hear her voice, I hope I can see her in SG this August. I was unhappy learning that my friend T is going through a tough time, I hope everything will end well for both of them. God has reasons, you just have to put your trust in Him.

As for Eclipse, well I love it! though I found the fight scenes between the Newborn Army vs. Cullens + Werewolves kinda short, and I didn't expect Victoria would die that easily in Edward's hand, I'm thinking it would be a long fight considering that Victoria is supposedly "lethal" as  the book described her. And I hate the new Victoria - Bryce Dallas Howard, I like Rachel Lefevre more, she certainly had Victoria's character come alive, Bryce looks like a cat than a vampire. I think it was a bad call for Summit to replace her, definitely a bad one. 

Well, my love for Jacob did not subside from the time he outshone Edward in New Moon, he's correct in every way in saying that he's totally hotter than Edward, but  Edward is sssooooooo good-looking too (in a different way) especially in the tent scene with Bella and Jacob...Well, I'm confuse now! I now understands Bella's predicament har har har.
posted by JV @ Friday, July 02, 2010  

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