Last Saturday, I spent my day, doing the laundry and mostly cleaning our new apartment and of course, catching up with LOST episodes. My body ached when I woke up Sunday since I'm not used to doing household chores, we had our lunch at Max's restaurant courtesy of my sister-in-law, Ate Lani as a treat of her two sons who graduated a week a go. While hubby fetched my in-laws in their place in Cainta at the same time picked some of our things...I went shopping for bath towels, a chopping knife and other kitchen stuff. We also had to replace the carpet we bought last week at Sta. Lucia and bought another one for our room.
After having a petty misunderstanding immediately after hearing the mass, we went to Robinson's supermarket as I bought something to cook for the week. We headed off our place in Marikina wherein we picked up the laundry and some of my personal stuff. It was almost past 10PM when we reached QC. After clearing our belongings, we took bath and sleep.
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