Wide awake at 12MN.
Its been a very tiring week for me, with 2 of my projects going on full swing. But I feel relieved that my big project will be rebaselined. And I'm almost done with the revised workplan, just one more activity to insert and I'm done!
I chose to work late so I could give my undivided attention to the little girl this weekend. Atleast she wouldn't mind me working on a Friday night since she is already sleeping :)
We will be celebrating the little girl's birthday on Sunday at Ace Water Spa, then, Dampa, I'm so excited! We decided to have a lowkey birthday celebration for the little girl because I'm saving for our Disney trip next summer, I'm sure she will love it there!
Work has been toxic lately to the point I wanna quit. But, it turned out I just need a break and to slow down a bit.
Well, I call it "adjustment period", its a new game for me and coming from government projects that usually takes years to implement, my projects now just have a 3-month window 'til launch date. Whew!
The long weekend definitely helped. I spent it with my little one, went to Water Spa and allotted a day to do some serious shopping :) and bonding with my dear hubby.
Name: JV Home: Manila, Philippines About Me: 30-something. A wife to a wonderful husband. A mother to my little chinita. Career Woman by Choice. A Coffee Drinker.Shopaholic.Book Lover.Blogger.Movie Addict. Know me more