What happens if you wake up one morning and realize that all of your dreams have magically come true overnight? That’s what happens to Lexi Smart. She wakes up in a hospital one to find that she doesn’t recognize herself – literally. The frizzy hair is gone, replaced by a sleek, shiny mane, and the lifelong nickname “Snaggletooth” just doesn’t apply anymore…and why do her lips look suspiciously plumper? She doesn’t even believe the Louis Vuitton handbag that the nurse hands her is actually hers. Why? Because Lexi has no memory of the past three years. In her mind, she’s a struggling assistant manager at a flooring company who just had a typical crazy night out with her girlfriends in 2004. In reality, she’s actually a member of the Board of Directors of that flooring company and is waking up from a minor car accident in 2007.
Lexi finds that she has everything she has ever wanted: she is beautiful, married to a ridiculously good-looking guy, makes a lot of money, and lives in the most beautiful loft she has ever seen. So what if everyone at the office not-so-secretly wishes she hadn’t recovered from the car accident? And so what if her oldest friends don’t want anything to do with her anymore? And does it really matter if her new husband scolds her like a child for not putting her shoes away properly? Remember Me? is the tale of Lexi’s quest to discover what happened to her during those three years to turn her into a person whom she doesn’t physically or emotionally recognize, and what she does when she finds out that her new life may not be as picture perfect as it seems.
Remember Me? is funny, witty, and absolutely charming; it is perhaps Kinsella’s best work yet. The characters are extremely well written and appealing. Like all of Kinsella’s protagonists, Lexi is quirky and a bit off-center. What makes this book fresh and unique, however, is that when she wakes, Lexi is the woman that every chick lit heroine loves to hate: sleek and polished, beautiful, refined, and very unpleasant in the workplace. It’s interesting to see what Kinsella does with that role reversal, how the reader sympathizes with the snooty boss in charge instead of condemning her. The most interesting parts of the book come when Lexi is trying to discover what drove her to this complete personality change. She looks at what her husband and friends demonstrate that her life has become and searches for some fragment of the Lexi she knows within it.
Ironically, it is not with her husband that Lexi finds remnants of the woman she used to be, but with his architect partner, Jon. Jon delivers startling news to her soon after their first meeting and, unsure of whether to trust him, she holds him at arm’s length while trying to decipher the puzzle of the last three years.
Remember Me? is a fresh look at what might happen if that fairy-tale wish comes true: “I wish I could wake up to find a new me, someone completely different than I am now.” Its hilarious situations and witty humor make it a real force to be reckoned with in the chick-lit genre. The fact that it comes with some definite introspection makes it that much better. It is an absolutely enjoyable experience; readers will race through the pages to find out what happens to Lexi as they try to discover the secrets of her past together. Kinsella has really outdone herself with this work. Any fan of chick lit should pick this up immediately.
We had plans of celebrating our 5th year civil wedding anniversary by holding a lunch for the family (read: seafoods, pastas and sweets) and a whole-day of pampering at The Spa. Unfortunately, we celebrated it in the hospital since the little lady needs to be confined for Pneumonia. Instead, we ordered Lasagna and Mango Bravo from Contis and feasted on it. Yes, its not how we planned it to be, but I'm happy for as long as I'm with my dear Husband and Hermione.
After the bebe was discharged from the hospital, the Husband and I headed to Sta. Lucia for my derma appointment and to buy the prescription meds for our little patient at home. Then I bought him a present. Yes, I wasn't able to buy him one, tsk, tsk, tsk. Anyway, I got him Okley's Hijinx from the Bruce Irons Series. Darn, he look really handsome wearing it. I love you Mahal. I was thinking of a really cheesy message for you, but I can't think of any, maybe next year, or next next year...its okay I have a lifetime to think about it. For now, I hope a simple Happy Anniversary would do.
The Husband gave me a leather wallet from Liz Claiborne as anniversary gift, I love it! Of course, I personally chose it hehe. E is not into surprises, he would always ask me what would I want to have, he said, its better that way, that he is sure that I will like his gifts, very clever...I hope he will buy me an LV Neverfull if I ask for one hehe. I'll try my luck on my birthday =)
I got this cool shades from Stella McCartney for FREE. It came with my new Canon Ixus 100, I wasn't that hopeful that we can still get one since the promo had ended and the shades that were left for us to choose from we're kinda hideous. Lucky for us, The Optical Shop at Gateway Mall still has this, way better than those previously presented to us.
Super perfect for our upcoming Bora Trip! I'm also waiting for the Belle De Jour Power Planner, I just hope it will arrive soon, before 2010 ends. Its SRP is P598 with over P10,000 worth of discounts, and I'm getting it for free. I love my Canon Ixus even more.
Smiling big time while in a hospital gown. She's really adorable. Last Friday, Hermione was having difficulty breathing due to colds and cough, we decided to rush her to the hospital by 5AM of Saturday since she can't sleep and threw up everything she have taken the night before. She was immediately attended by the medical staff at St.Luke's ER. She was given nebulization every 2 hours and monitored closely for several hours. At 11AM, her pedia decided to confine her. A day after, she's feeling a lot better but her WBC is high, the diagnosis: PNEUMONIA. Our insurance will cover all of the hospital expenses. Last year she was confined also for UTI, bill came at P50K for a 5-day stay. Since, she has asthma and hospitalization is always a possibility given her condition, I'm thinking of upgrading her insurance, I don't mind paying more on the premium for as long as my daughter will have the best medical care without us compromising her future by dipping to our savings. For now, I'm just happy that Hermione is getting better. I love seeing her all smiling even in her hospital gown and contained in her crib with the IV on her left arm. What's important is she is recovering fast.
Shopping for the little lady is one of my favorite things in the world, since I gained weight, I somehow shy-away from shopping, its frustrating enough how my clothes needed to be stored away (thinking I would be able to get them out again when the time comes), while shopping is beginning to be a really heart-breaking experience since most of the clothes on the rack nowadays are for skinny people, who the hell invented skinny jeans???Since I love shopping - I managed to divert my frustrations and instead find real joy in shopping for Hermione and her daddy. Last week, I realized that, yes, she may have a lot of clothes, but most of them are either too small for her, or too big. So that's justified it!
Got these nice pieces from Gingersnap and Peppermint. The two blouses were from Gingersnap while the jeans,dress and the leggings were from Peppermint. I usually buy from Peppermint when they are on sale, I got the jeans for 40% off its price tag and the leggings at 50% discount. The dress is regular-priced though. Gingersnap on the other hand usually have sales,but sadly the items are not those I would go for so I often buy from the regular items. No worries as long as its cute.
Oh not me! Its for Hermione. While looking for boots, I bumped into this...isn't it cute? A little big though, I guess she could wear this later this year.
Valentine's Day on Valentine's Day. Thanks again for the free tickets from Citibank, being shopaholic truly has its perks. The movie, well its star-studded for a start, Julia Roberts - of my favorite film ever, Pretty Woman. Ashton Kutcher of A lot like love - again one of my favorite movie. I kinda like Jennifer Gartner from having to watch almost all of the Alias series. And Dr. McDreamy himself from Grey's Anatomy - Patrick Demsey. Anne Hathaway kinda grew in me in her The Devil's Wears Prada and of course, Jacob of the Twilight Saga - Taylor Lautner. Wow. The storyline is simple yet entertaining with a bag of popcorn and iced tea, simply the best Valentine movie.
Before we went off to the movie, we shopped for Bottle Bag for the little girl, got also a Sauna Suit for the husband. We also had White Hat Italian Yogurt Ice Creamy, yummy! Then a simple dinner at our favorite resto. Hubby earlier today surprised me with red roses, he also gave one rose each to my MIL and the househelps, isn't he sweet?
A mom in me is in never-ending search for the best brands for my little girl. Over a period of 1 year , I have managed to try out a few brands and eventually settled for those which provided the most satisfying results.
Soap/Body Wash
During her first months being introduced in this crazy world where Mum & Dad lives, Hermione only used Lactacyd Blue as this is the mildest brand I've known readily available in the local market. You can get this at P199 per bottle and would usually last 2-3 months, of course we only spare a few drops - I'm not into lattering the bebe. We apply it using our bare hands and eventually resorted to using a sponge from Pigeon. My MIL advised me not to use a sponge since she is not that "dirty" having to stay inside the house for most of the time - which sounded logical so I kept the sponge away.
Before turning 1, she began to develop little rashes every now and then so I switched to Oilatum Bar, thinking her skin is beginning to get tired of Lactacyd, I googled that Oilatum is very mild and gentle on the baby's skin which prove to be right. Then, one morning, it downed to me that its about time that my baby got to really wash her face (not with water alone) so I grabbed a bottle of Cetaphil Facial Cleanser during our next grocery trip. I knew Cetaphil line to be very mild on the skin because I've been an avid fan for sometime, I just don't use it on a regular basis because I have the tendency to do brand-hopping, still exploring if there is something else the world still has to offer but I always find myself back to the arms of Cetaphil. I super love the no-scent, all natural, "no-tears effect of it. In fact you can leave it into your face without having to wash it with water. However, I've decided to give Lactacyd another try since we still have a couple of bottles left, aside from the Lactacyd Baby Bath, we have a Lactacyd Bubble Bath on stock, I'll let the baby try it on. Maybe its not the Lactacyd that gave her the rashes afterall, so we'll see.
She only get to shampoo her hair upon reaching 1 year old. We're very conservative about the whole shampooing thing. We just used Lactacyd and Oilatum Bar in degreasing her hair from the Virgin Coconut Oil that we religiously damp both to her hair and body 30 minutes before bath time. However, I'm getting this feeling that the soap is not doing the works to her hair having to be forced to serve as a shampoo (which is not entirely in the poor thing's job description) so I found myself carrying Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo one day, there's not much for me to choose from then so I guess I kinda settled for it since I couldn't find anything paler in color than this one. Its cheap - less than 100 bucks which is good for 2 months use (or even more) already. Then again, I became restless, sorting what's the best shampoo for the little girl, it couldn't be J&J, its so generic! So I visited several sites and found the answer I have been looking for - Aveeno Baby Wash & Shampoo! Smells soooooo good, and it uses oats as its main ingredient to begin with. Priced at P450 (the lowest I could find in all the PX Stores I visited, most sell it at P650). I know there are online sellers offering this product, I gotta get hold of them to stash some bottles.
Hermione's skin, like any other baby's skin is dry so I have no choice but to moisturize it. I'm not fond of moisturizers, I seldom use one for myself, I hate the sticky feeling so I'm kinda choosy when it comes to lotion, I want light and colorless (I can take white) one. No-no to the creamy,colorful moisturizers. Since this is a must, I only have one product in mind, Cetaphil, we uses both the lotion and the cream (at P650-850). The past few weeks I noticed that there are several dry patches on her skin so I'm reconsidering Cetaphil's capability. I managed to get a tube of Aveeno Baby Lotion, also in Oats at P400 at my favorite PX Store. I'm still on the trial period, if it can outperform Cetaphil then I'll be a follower.
We uses Virgin Coconut Oil and J&J Baby Oil. Now, I'm beginning to have doubts on the J&J line (because again its too generic) so I'm in search for a better substitute, any suggestions?
One of Hermione's best attribute is that she has a very nice smile, all 12-set of teeth showing making her smile more irresistable that the toothless grin she managed to give when she was a little bebe in her mittens. Now that she is 16 months old, I decided its time for her to try brushing her teeth in the true sense of it, how? With the use of a toothpaste! I bought a tube of Chicco Strawberry flavored toothpaste yesterday at P250 for a good 75ml, with the rate that she's using it, she'll only need 1-2 tubes a year. I gathered that its safe for the babies, even when swallowed - yeah my baby loves to eat the toothpaste so I just put a little amount in her brush, just enough to freshen her breath.
We only use Pampers, but the Active line, I tried switching to the cheaper one - Pampers Comfort, she suffered from UTI and was confined in the hospital for a week. Comfort is way cheaper than the Active line, however, the crystalized urine have a tendency to escape since the nappy plastic sidings can break easily thereby leaving your baby with bacteria infesting her genitals. Baby girls are more prone to UTI than their male counterpart. Lesson learned, never scrimp on the nappy of the little lady. According to Pampers, it could hold up until 8 wee wees or changing can be intervaled every 8-hours but after the UTI incident that made my heart so broken seeing my little princess wincing in pain, we change her nappy every 2-3 hours. Bye bye UTI.
Only got to try one brand, and its Pigeon, the other brands are too scented for my nose.
Green Cross is still the best for me, although I have never given much thought about alcohol. I guess I have to try other brands as well.
Milk depends where your pedia's heart is. Pedias are usually loyal to a certain brand whether it be milk, medicine or vitamins. Although Hermione is breast-fed until she's 8 months old, my milk supply is not enough - so there has to be a formula in the picture. We stuck to the Enfa line recommended by her first pedia until she's 6months- Enfalac,Enfapro,we even tried their lactose-free. Then we switched to another pedia since the first pedia is not accredited by our HMO, kinda costly on our part, specially during hospitalization that we have to pay for professional fees if we have an option not to. The second pedia made us shift to Promil, Progress, Progress Gold, no qualms, Hermione loves them too... and then all of a sudden, Hermione stopped eating solid foods. I became worried that she is not getting the right nutrition that her little body needs so I consulted Dr.Google, and made a switch to Pediasure, a little pricey than of the previous milk recommended by her pedias but I know its the best milk for her. So no issues here.
We're into Bioneem recommended by her second pedia,we also have the mosquito bite ointment for the already-bitten area, but we need to try out other option soon since we were getting the supplies from her ex-pedia, and the last tube is running low.
Well well well, I'm half-hearted in choosing Pigeon bottle wash, why? Because its really pricey, for a bottle wash?! It cost P500-650 per refill/bottle, but I came across several write ups on the danger of using ordinary dish washing liquids for bottle washing so the money over stressing myself on the danger of using Joy Antibac for that matter is not really worth it, so we stuck for a while with Pigeon. Good thing I came across better alternatives, Cradle Bottle Wash (P235, 500ml refillable) and Clean Mess Out Bottle Wash (P125, 500ml bottle), but we couldn't get hold of the latter so we are using Cradle for now while waiting for Mess Out stocks to arrive. These two are really better alternatives they say. I'm glad that I bumped into the threads discussing Mess Out in N@W.
Love the smell of the Ipanema and its more softer and comfortable than of Havainas.
Confetti Black Channel-like Shoes (From Mum & Dad)
I love the design, but Hermione seldom uses this.
Pitter Pat Shoes (From Mum & Dad)
This is 1 of 3 birthday shoes, one of her favorites explains the faded color.
Pitter Pat Shoes (From Mum & Dad)
I want a silver shoes for the little girl, but I can't find something nice, I just settled for this.
Crocs (From Mum & Dad)
Never worn this, still too big for her. Got this at 50% off during the Crocs Sale at ABS-CBN
Snoopy Shoes (From Tito Jommel)
Paired with Disney Princess Shoes (from Tita Rina) given during her 1st Birthday
I find it too girlish, but the little girl loves this, good for walking since it has rubber sole and anti-slippery too.
Nike Shoes (From Mum & Dad)
Its a personal pick by the little dalaga of ours, we were at Nike Park when she suddenly walk into the display counter and pick it, then went to Mommy to let her fit it, we ended up buying it. Its something that I would have chosen myself, Hermione is exhibiting one of my greatest traits - a good eye. This is her favorite.
Gap Spadrils (From Tita Shai)
This was a gift from mg good friend Shai. Never worn, still too big. So chic!
Havainas (From Ninang Abby)
She is currently strutting this, using it inside the house.
Mistique Gold Shes (From Mum & Dad)
Everybody has to own a gold shoes, right?
I love buying her shoes, but not the pricey one since our Little Miss is growing up fast and its not practical to buy expensive/branded shoes since she would outgrown it at no time. For as long as its comfortable.
I could use one for my self. The Barnes and Noble introduces their eBook Reader - Nook. It also comes with dual screens - an e-Ink displayed on top and 3.5-inch color touchscreen display for easy navigation. This baby is Android-based, support Wi-Fi and 3G Networks, let's you completely wireless while downloading ebooks from the Internet. It has 2GB internal memory. Comes with microSD Card slot that allows you to plug in a memory card for expansion. It supports a number of ebook format including EPUB,eReader,PDF. It also has built-in MP3 Player so you can listen to audiobook or MP3 files.
Hermione uses Pigeon and Avent feeding bottles, pigeon is easy to use, it does not have anti-colic feature and not BPA-free but for its price - its truly justifiable. Avent is anti-colic and has recently launched their BPA-free line, a bit pricey (at P600-800 per bottle depending on the size) here in the country but much cheaper in Canada, US and other part of the globe - usually cost half the price compared to our SRP.
However, I'm very disappointed with the Avent BPA-free line, I should have stick to the non-BPA, the former is prone to leakage apart from its odd-looking color. There are times I wanna throw them out. The teats are also priced the same way - very steep specially if you would follow the recommended switching interval to new sets. Darn, Avent just wanted their sales up. But the non-BPA is really good when it comes to managing colic, less crying time for my little one.
Then comes the Tommee Tippee, I was attracted to it, the design spelled all "cuteness". However, I don't have enough reasons to purchase since we have a decent number of bottles. Fortunately, Hermione's ninang gave her 2 Tommee Tippee bottles + 1 Avent as christmas present when hubby went to Singapore. I love Tommee Tippee, it takes a little time though to fix a bottle since the anti-colic feature involves attaching additonal parts for it to work but not as annoying as resolving the Avent's leaking problem. It's also BPA-free and priced the same as Avent.
For my next baby, I would surely go for Tommee Tippee instead of Avent, or I could check also Dr.Brown's feeding line as I have seen good reviews.
Hermione usually receives cash gifts, what do we do? We put them in her bank account, its never too early to start saving for her education right? Then we match it and buy something nice for her to have.
The following are some of what we considered as "Best Buys" so far:
Her daddy got this for her during his Singapore trip for 50% off, what a steal! She could stay here just sitting for hours tune in her favorite DVD CDs and this is the only place you'll find her during meal time,you see we don't allow running around while eating. She began to use this when she's barely 3 months old and up until now.
We got it form Toys R Us at Trinoma . Its quite expensive for a toy, but truly educational. She loves it until now. It does not consume much battery. Can be very entertaining.
I love this! We got it from Rustan's Gateway Mall. A little pricey, but the best for its kind! Very helpful not only for a scoliotic mom like me but for the little one seeking independence. Although she was only able to use it for some time since she learned to walk fast. There are two color options, Pink and Blue. I wanted the Blue one, so baby#2 can also have it in the future but there was no available one during the time. This doubles as her harness now that she can run.
Of course the safety of our child is our top most concern. Since Hermione can be very active, and freak accident do actually happen, we decided to get this. A little pricey but when you come to think of it, its very handy, can be easily transferred anywhere compared to the conventional one. When it comes to our child's safety, I think you would agree with me that - MONEY IS NEVER AN ISSUE.
I would like to share the best gifts to my little angel so far:
From my Stradcom friends during my baby shower the office peeps gave me. What I love about this bag is - its not the typical baby bag. Its chic, its hip - just like me hehe.
From my loving sister-in-law, Ate Lani. On my 5th month, my SIL took me on a shopping spree for her favorite niece. She bought me this sterilizer, which I love, because its easy to use, you could never go wrong. Also a dozen of 8oz. feeding bottles and the hardworking Breast Pump (another one of my favorites).
From again my loving sister-in-law, Ate Lani . The color though is a little different from the picture - Gray and Orange. We initially ordered them to buy this for us because its really hard to find cheap but high quality car seats here in the Philippines, it would usually cost you more than 10K to get a decent one. Upon bringing it home - she just told me that its a gift to Hermione. The baby did not use it until she's 1 year old, she's not happy with it, but things changed - now she loves sitting while daddy is driving.
From my loving brothers - Jerico and Jommel. Okay, okay - I forced them to buy this for the little girl hahaha. When there's an occassion, I would readily tell them what I want. Because there's a lot of duplicate gifts sitting in our garage and one way to avoid it is to say what the little princess really needs - of course I could only do that to my brothers hehe. And they don't mind at all, being spared from thinking.
From my friend Jane, she loved shopping for the baby when I was still preggy, everytime we meet, she will hand over gifts of all sort. She gave me this playpen,, Avent starter set, nail cutter, feeding bottles, nasal pump, sets of toothbrush - all from Pigeon and even maternity blouses.
From my college friends, they asked me what I want - I replied, a matching stroller would do. So nice of them to come all the way to our house to give me the stroller. True friendships. Although Hermione is not fond of stroller, I think Baby #2 would enjoy sitting on it.
You see, most of the things we needed for the bebe were given to us. I'm very fortunate that up until now, gifts of all sorts are continuously being showered to the Little Princess.
Sophie Kinsella, author of the popular Shopaholic series featuring Becky Bloomwood, has introduced a new heroine in her latest novel The Undomestic Goddess. The “goddess” in question is Samantha Sweeting, a twenty-nine-year-old lawyer on the fast track to becoming partner at swanky law firm Carter Spink. Although Sam loves her job and wants nothing more than to be a partner, she has no social life to speak of, is stressed out beyond belief, and her high-powered mother and brother can’t even make the time to join her for her latest birthday celebration. All of this seems worth it, though, when she finds out that she has achieved her biggest goal—she has become a partner at Carter Spink. Unfortunately, the joy is short-lived. Sam finds some papers buried on her desk that she apparently forgot to file—and that little mistake has cost one of their clients fifty million pounds. In a panic, Sam rushes out of the office, takes a train, and ends up in a small suburb of London, lost and terrified. She ends up on the doorstep of Trish and Eddie Geiger, who mistake her for a housekeeper come to apply for a job. Wanting only a place to crash for the night and to get her head in order, Sam unwittingly takes the job. When she finds out that she no longer has a career at Carter Spink, she decides to stick it out at the Geigers for a while. The problem? She doesn’t know how to cook or clean. And though Trish and Eddie are easy to fool, the hot gardener isn’t so gullible.
Unlike Becky Bloomwood, who was a bit too air-headed and ditzy for my liking, the character of Samantha Sweeting is smart, gutsy and easy to root for. It’s easy to see why the gardener ends up falling for her, and their chemistry works beautifully throughout the book. Secondary characters also shine with life. Kinsella rarely makes the mistake of creating a character who falls into the ‘good guy/bad guy’ mold and most of the supporting cast are realistic and multi-dimensional.
Like the Shopaholic series, the plot of The Undomestic Goddess requires the reader to suspend a bit of belief. For instance, it’s a little difficult to buy that a high-powered lawyer would blunder her way into a job as a housekeeper and even harder to believe that a woman who couldn’t boil an egg learns how to cook gourmet meals in only a few weeks. However, if you don’t take the story too seriously, you won’t mind these unrealistic bits and instead focus on the great characters and funny situations.
If you liked the Shopaholic series, you’ll surely love Kinsella’s new book. And, if you’re like me and found Becky Bloomwood a bit too flighty, you’ll find much more to like in Samantha Sweeting. The Undomestic Goddess is recommended to anyone who likes light, cute romances with a generous sprinkling of humor.
My little Hermione, is not so little anymore. She had grown fast. At 16 months:
- She can walk and very fast I say
- She loves throwing objects
- She's techie, loves playing with the laptop,digicam,iPod,cellphones
- She loves playing with the telephone as if she is speaking with someone on the other line
- She can eat on her own, but can be too messy
- She can drink from a cup, while walking
- She can reach for an object that she wants
- She ask for objects by giving the "gimme gimme" hand gesture
- Her favorite pastime is watching educational videos: Hi-5,Muzzy,Baby Einstein and others
- She now sleeps at 7PM
- Her nap time is in the morning
- She loves drinking fruit juices and her favorite snack is yogurt
- She loves yelling
All in all, she is a HAPPY BABY and I'm a very HAPPY MOMMY
After almost 5 years of service, our Canon Ixus 40 has finally retired. Since my little one's development needs to be documented, every now and then, we decided to get a new P&S digicam. Panasonic LX3 is among the contender of this lovely Canon Ixus 100 IS, however, I wanted a gold camera. She's such a beauty isn't she? Since hubby is planning to work abroad this year, he finally gave in to my heart's desire since I'll be the one using it anyway when he's gone.
We got it for almost 20K, with free 4GB SD Card Memory and Leather Casing.
Did I mention before that I watched New Moon 5x in theater?, talking about being a fan. I was going to name our supposedly-baby: Jacob Carlisle of course I was going to include Harry.But then,its not yet time.
After more than 48 hours of hellish feeling experiencing labor-like pains, I was D&C'd yesterday after I had an ultrasound and physical check up with my Ob at St.Luke's Hospital and she found out that I had to be operated since the product of conception (bloods and other heterogeneous particles) are still in my cervical canal and would not pass through naturally. I decided to have a D&C immediately since I will end up with that anyway,why prolong the agony,right?
So the OB's secretary immediately scheduled me for the operation,it was less than an hour procedure and recovery is fast and painless (for me...I guess)...I was able to immediately released from the hospital after resting a bit since I was too giddy to get out of there, you see I'm not fond of being in the hospital, I would rather rest at home.
The procedure costs us a lot,mostly on professional fees. Now, I'm feeling better since the pain is almost gone, though the bleeding is to be expected for the next few days. I would be able to go back to my work after 2 weeks of rest.
The physical pain of having to go through the miscarriage is what I'm experiencing right now since I opted for the natural way of managing it. For the past 2 days all I could feel is the painful separation of my little angel from my body.
Name: JV Home: Manila, Philippines About Me: 30-something. A wife to a wonderful husband. A mother to my little chinita. Career Woman by Choice. A Coffee Drinker.Shopaholic.Book Lover.Blogger.Movie Addict. Know me more